Filters |

IPL Filter

Band pass Filter

IR Cut Filter
fabricate many kinds of optical filters including color
glass filter, neutural density filter, band pass filter,
IR cut filter, IR pass filter, birefringent filter, interference
filter, etc.. |
fabricated by special color glass material. the
material will absorption some wavelength and appeare
different colors. The applications are including
camerar filter, machine vision lens filter. |
fabricate high quality IPL filter and IPL crystal
(IPL light guide) by optical grade BK7, fused silica
or sapphire crystal.
They are used for for cosmetic application, such
as hair removal, vascular and acne treatment. |
density (ND) filters are used to attenuate incident
radiation without altering its spectral distribution.
The neutral density value of an ND filter is related
to the transmittance. |
filters are optical elements that are designed to
transmit a specific spectral band with high efficiency,
while reject others. The characteristics of the
bandpass are controlled by multilayer dielectric
coatings |
fabricated by special blue glass (BG39 from Schott
or equivalent). The glass will absorb IR wavelength
and let visible light pass. It widely used for digital
camara. |
By a
cut-off type color glass filter with special multi
layer coating, the intererence filter has a narrow
pass band. |
birefringent filter is made by crystal quartz. It's
used in the laser cavity for wavelength selection.
We can provide different thickenss birefringent
filter for our customer's laser applications. |